Project Divided God was presented in following places: - Black House / CK - Crna kuća/, Novi Sad, July 2007
- Kreatorij – DIC, Ljubljana, August 2007,
- Munz Salon / Sympozium: The Real Believers? and Political Renaissance of Religion and Cultural Identity./ , Berlin, November 2008
- 13th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities Nation, Identity, Conflict, and the State International Affairs Building Columbia University, New York City Harriman Institute (screening of the film Children of Divided School, April 2008)
- Bilgi University, Istanbul, April 2008
- Meeting of European Capitals’ Mayors, Ljubljana, May 2008
- Presentation of the Divided God project at TOG Summer Camp, 27 July – 10 August, Van, Turkey. The topic of the Summer camp was Intercultural Dialogue.
- “V::I::P Seminar on the promotion of local and international youth volunteering for peace building and conflict resolution in Europe, Sarajevo, June 2008
- KT1, Izola, July 2008
- Sajeta, Creativ Camp, Tolmin, August, 2008
- EASA 2008 (The 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA), 26 - 30 August, Ljubljana, Slovenia).
- Metelkova Mesto – Meteljkova City, Anniversary , September 2008
- Film Festival Cinema Giovani, Trieste, September 2008
- Zrenjanin, Club “Zeleno Zvono”, Oktober, 2008
- Kinodvor, Ljubljana , November 2008
- Youth Counsil Community Volunteers Foundation 12th / Istanbul, November 2008
- Stockholm, Rainbow platform meeting and Nordian conference of Intercultural Dialogue
- Vidovin, Festival of Etnological Films, Tolmin, November 2008
- Festival Sarnicu: 2^ festival di cortometraggi "C'è un tempo per l'integrazione" 2008 (Lombardija, Italy), November 2008
- Presentaion on theBerlinale Talent Campus /part of the Berlin Film festival /, Berlin, February 2009