Project schedule - general

Here you can find a programme of the project’s main activities: 

Notice!  This is a provisional programme! The changes are expected and will be regularly updated.

January 2007
- Activation of the web site starting with e-communication between the project team and participants, addressing the conceptual and theoretical issues of the project, creating a permanent communication platform.
- The application is sent to the EU Program Youth for the exchange in Istanbul and Berlin.
- The application is sent to the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana / the NGO Development Grants Program.
- A preliminary meeting 1 to start off the project is to be held in Istanbul and will be attended by the project leader Drago Pintarič, his assistant Bojan Matjašič, art director of the project Želimir Žilnik and the partner group from Istanbul. 

February / March 2007
- Further development of e-communication between the project team and participants, upgrading of the conceptual and theoretical issues of the project and a permanent communication platform.

Main task for all the project partners in this month should be to initiate and engage themselves in forum discussions and aslo to invite and include other potential individeals or groups that would be interested in participation to join. Who hasn’t done so yet, and considers him/herself the part of the project or is otherwise interested, please join the forum. (more info here)
This is because the ‘intermedia’ platforms, website and forum, are the framework and the foundation for future communication and development of the project ideas, definition of theoretical guidelines and the praparation of the practical experience of field-research and the exchange itself.
We will also try to find a partner / suitable foundation / who would be prepared to finance and support the organization of the theoretical debate / symphosium that will be realized during the project.

April 2007 - 18th and 19th of April (more)
- A preliminary meeting 2 is to be held in Ljubljana, and is to be attended by individual leaders of all partner groups, accompanied by one member of each participating exchange group.

May 2007
- An intermediate meeting 3, lasting 4 days will be held in BiH and Serbia, travelling between the locations in Mostar, Beograd and Novi Sad to appraise the logistical arrangements of the Travelling Exchange in those cities in July 07.

June 2007
- Further preparation of logistics and contents for the exchange.

July – August 2007
- Active part of the project - video workshops, round tables and discussions: 

- 10 -17 July - Mostar,
- 17. - 23. July - Novi Sad, and
- 23. july - 05. august - Ljubljana.

October – November 2007
- Active part of the project - video workshops, round tables and discussions /wider theoretical meeting/  in Berlin  from  October 25th to November 4th.

November 2007 – February 2008
- Postproduction and first evaluation of the project; final editing of the documentary material and the preparation of publication.

April 2008
- Active part of the project - video workshops, round tables and discussions  in Istanbul.

June 2008
Final exchage and symphosium in Ljubljana. 

September - December 2008
- Presentation of the project in the participating cities, other cities and festivals, ...

Last Updated ( Saturday, 15 December 2007 )